Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa (1978 – 2006) was murdered by C-4 explosives or was somehow killed first before her body destroyed with C-4 in October 2006 in a deserted area in forested land near the Subang Dam in Puncak Alam, Shah Alam. The Mongolian lady was clamied to be introduced to Abdul Razak Baginda, a defense analyst from the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre think-tank, under Malaysian famous DPM, Najib Tun Razak, and reportedly began a relationship with him. She then worked as Abdul Razak’s translator on a shady deal he was brokering for the Malaysian government to buy submarines from France. The 'couple' seemed to have travelled to Paris together for the submarine deal.
Some rumours was saying that Altantuya came to come Kuala Lumpur with a cousin in early October 2006 to confront Abdul Razak. Then, she went missing on Oct 19. Her last letter that was uncovered showing that she had been blackmailing Razak. However, it was not clearly stated how she blackmailed him. Abdul Razak and three members of the police force were arrested during the murder investigation. The other two murder suspects (Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35) had been members of the Unit Tindakan Khas (the Malaysian Police Special Action Force or counter-terrorism unit) and were both assigned to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, who was also the Defence Minister at the that time.
Throughout the investigation, this incident seems to be more complicated when two statutory declarations were made. First evidence was told by Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin , saying that our dearest DPM's wife, Rosmah Mansor, and Acting Colonel Aziz Buyong and his wife, Norhayati, Rosmah’s aide-de-camp, were present at the scene of the murder and Aziz Buyong was the 'chosen' one who placed C4 plastic explosive on Altantuya’s body and blew it up. Aziz was seeking apology from Raja Petra to be published in certain website and newspaper. That's the end of the first new evidence. Soon after that incident, Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, disclosing Najib's links to the murdered Mongolian girl. He said the police omitted information about the 'intimate' relationship between Najib and Mongolian victim Altantuya Shaariibuu in his statement.
According to Bala, Abdul Razak was not directly involve in this case. He also said that all traces of allegations with references to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder were erased. On Sunday 6 july, our government police sought help from Interpol to find the brave private investigator who was missing together with his entire family. Balasubramaniam is said to take refuge in a neighbouring country with his wife and children. Well, will Bala be rewarded by keeping the truth as secret forever? On the contrary, will he and his family's life be threatened by telling the truth ? Nobody knows and even if some people know, they won't dare to care. Anyway, as Malaysians, our main concern is that this incident has badly impressed other countries with Malaysia's wonderful image. Hopefully this will not affect the 'intimate' relationship between Malaysia and Mongolia.
That is the voice of the people.