Do you think Prime Minister Najib should resign ? Why ?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The 12th General Elections has now become a hot topic of the public and the issue is so popular that one can hear it everywhere, even in the public toilet whereas the central government started to question each other ‘Why would this happen?’ Apart from having their unexplainable curiosity, some began to blame one another for the shocking defeat. They should have realised the importance of this incident for them to learn the lessons from their past mistakes, instead of blaming others for the poor election result.

In fact, this phenomenon is still comprehensible because according to some experienced senior politicians, 'pointing at each other' is always a common practice or culture in Malaysian politics. Therefore, it is not surprising for the public to see BN leaders like Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, Deputy PM Najib and formal Penang Chief Minister Dr Koh would still ask all the fellow Malaysians to stay calm and not to worry over the changes in state government. It seems like they were still unaware of the needs of the whole nation to change.

That is the voice of the people.

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