Finally, I have made up my mind to open this blog to the public. The blog is named after the number of posts written through my hands. As I mentioned earlier in the first post entitled 'FOREWORD' , the blog was created after the Malaysian 12th General Elections in 2008. Since there were no new posts to be written last year due to time factor, many political news were not updated until this year. Currently, this blog reviews English, Chinese and Malay articles. However, this particular post is written in two languages to mark the opening of the blog, which voices out all different views of Malaysians in regards to the Malaysian politics.
After witnessing the great change in our country's political status, we are looking for a better improvement in our government. However, the effect of the tsunami has not come to an end. Many issues arise unexpectedly, not only in the Barisan National, but also in the new Pakatan Rakyat. As Malaysian, I am sad to see that our country has improved tremendously in terms of political stability, human rights, freedom of speech and crime rates. As a part of Chinese community, I am regret to see that our only Chinese-based political party in the ruling BN government, the MCA is still having internal warfare, which involves the leaders who are competing in gaining power, support and influence to achieve personal interest, instead of fighting for the future of Malaysian Chinese. As a student, I hope that with the presence of this blog, young readers will be able to understand more about the importance of politics in a country, for it does not only concern us, but it also affects our future generation. Let us have this hope that one day Malaysia will definitely be a better place for our children, and our children's children.
That is my voice.