Do you think Prime Minister Najib should resign ? Why ?
Monday, May 31, 2010
GAS(Gerakan Anti Samy) or the Anti-Samy movement was carried out smoothly with low turnout, which was approximately 3500 members only. However, their spirit and determination is so strong that they are willing to face any disciplinary action without fear in order to voice out their dissatisfaction to the longest-serving MIC president, S. Samy Vellu. As we all know, this movement was raised by the former MIC deputy youth chief, V Mugilan, who was sacked just because of requesting the party president to resign immediately. His action was supported by a few central committee members who were then expelled from the party for the same reason.
Samy Vellu, the MIC legendary has served as the party president for 31 years since 1979, after the death of the former MIC president, V. Manickavasagam. Meanwhile, he has been a Member of Parliament for 36 years and served as a Cabinet Minister for more than 30 years as well, and all these had already clearly stated in The Malaysia Books of Records. In fact, his fellow comrades, Dr. Mahathir, Dr. Ling Liong Sik, Dr. Lim Keng Yaik had already stepped down from their own political parties and are now enjoying their lives after retirement. Hence, he can be considered the very last man who refuses to resign even after he lost his nickname ‘Lion of Sungai Siput’ in the 2008 General Elections.
If we look back to the history of the MIC, Samy Vellu was similar to Mugilan today, an energetic and young politician who used to defend the interest of the party for a better future. Nonetheless, the response that they got from this honourable old man was ‘I will resign earlier if I was given another post outside the party’. Before that, this experienced and capable politician had already predicted all these incidents said, ‘I will not be a fool. I will eliminate those who destroy the party’.
Now, the question is - Who is jeopardizing the MIC ? I believe the MIC members know the answer.
That is the voice of the people.
Friday, May 28, 2010
之前也是财政部长的首相纳吉不是高调地说马来西亚的经济成长率不是大幅度地提高了吗?他不是说到大马有望成为高收入的先进国吗?他不是慷慨地分别在乌雪派了3百万令吉帮助华小与诗巫承诺了5百万令吉来治水吗?他的下属-马华女强人黄燕燕医生不是在中国砸了几千万令吉来建造一个“夜市型”(Pasar Malam Style)的米南加保(Minangkabau)世博馆来响应今年以主题“城市,让生活更美好”的上海世博吗?这些钱从何得来?这一系列的动作不都显示了大马傲人的财富吗?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sejak bermulanya pilihanraya kecil kawasan parlimen Sibu, kita percaya bahawa semua rakyat Malaysia sudah pasti tahu bahawa wujudnya satu tempat yang dikenali sebagai Sibu. Bagi penduduk di Malaysia Timur (Sabah dan Sarawak), Sibu adalah antara bandar utama yang penting dan terkenal dalam aspek pentadbiran, pentadbiran serta pelancongan. Akan tetapi, berapa ramai orang yang betul-betul tahu tentang sejarah Sibu ?
Pada zaman 1900-an, pembangunan bandar Sibu bermula dengan kedatangan saudagar-saudagar Cina dari Foochow, China yang diketuai oleh Wong Nai Siong. Setelah beliau mengadakan perbincangan dan perjanjian dengan pihak British, iaitu Gabenor James Brooke pada masa itu, perubahan yang besar telah berlaku di Sibu sehingga bandar itu menjadi tempat yang terpenting selain Kuching dan Miri. Antara tempat yang membanggakan penduduk Sibu termasuk pasar pusat Sibu (Sibu Central Market), candi Tua Pek Kong (大伯公庙) dan papan penunjuk tempat yang mempunyai bahasa Cina.
Hari ini, kalau kita lihat keadaan Sibu,kebanyakan penduduknya masih adalah kaum Cina yang mencapai 60%, diikuti dengan kaum Iban dan Melanau. Selain itu, penduduk Sibu juga telah biasa dengan satu tradisi yang diwarisi sejak dahulu, iaitu banjir semasa hujan lebat. Pada masa yang sama, kita dapat lihat perbezaan taraf kehidupan, kesihatan dan kemudahan awam adalah sangat tinggi. Semua masalah ini dapat diselesaikan dengan serta-merta oleh Perdana Menteri kita yang berwibawa, Najib dalam insiden apabila beliau dengan murah hatinya menjanjikan RM 500,0000 kepada penduduk-penduduk Rejang Park tetapi dengan syarat Barisan Nasional menang dalam pilihanraya kecil Sibu.
Dalam perkara ini, kita tertanya-tanya tentang persoalan yang sama seperti dalam kisah Hulu Selangor.Pihak mana yang patut bertanggungjawab ? Bukankan setiap tahun kerajaan kita yang kaya akan memperuntukkan sejumlah wang kepada wakil-wakil rakyat untuk membantu memajukan kawasan masing-masing ? Mengapakah perkara yang membanggakan rakyat Malaysia ini boleh berlaku ?
Kawasan tempat terlalu besar ? Bilangan penduduk terlalu ramai ? Jumlah wang terlalu sedikit ? ‘Feng Shui’ tak baik atau Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud terlalu tua ? Saya rasa soalan-soalan ini terlalu sukar untuk dijawab.
Keputusan pilihanraya kecil Sibu sudah menjadi kenyataan, iaitu Wong Ho Leng dari DAP telah berjaya menawan semula kawasan tersebut sejak 1982 dengan memperolehi 18845undi dan Robert Lau Hui Yew dari SUPP mendapat 18447 undi. Akhirnya Kerajaan BN telah gagal menawan hati masyarakat di Sibu dengan kekurangan 398 undi, iaitu hasil daripada perbelanjaaan lebih daripada seratus juta. Tetapi apa yang saya tidak akan lupakan adalah makanan tradisi Sibu yang masih kekal sama seperti Kampua noodles(干盘面) dan Dian Mian Hu(鼎边糊). Saya berharap keadaan penduduk-penduduk di Sibu dapat berubah dan sekiranya saya berpeluang, saya pasti akan melawat ke Sibu untuk mencuba pelbagai jenis makanan tradisi ini.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Nama Pertandingan : Pilihanraya Kecil
Tempat : Sibu, Sarawak
Tarikh: 8 – 16 h/b Mei 2010
Nama peserta-peserta:
1.Robert Lau Hui Yew (BN – SUPP)
2.Wong Ho Leng (PR – DAP)
Kedua-dua wakil ini adalah calon utama kerana mereka mendapat sokongan pihak masing-masing.
(BN- UMNO, MCA, MIC dan GERAKAN manakala PR – PKR, DAP dan PAS)
3.Narawi Haron (bebas)
Wakil ini adalah calon sampingan kerana dia dikatakan pasti kalah.
Barisan Nasional berlawan dengan Pakatan Rakyat
Pusingan Pertama
Kedua-dua calon adalah peguam yang mempunyai latar belakang profesional.
1 : 1
Pusingan Kedua
BN mendapat sambutan daripada 3000 penyokong, berbanding dengan PR yang hanya mempunyai kira-kira 300 penyokong pada hari penamaan calon.
1 : 0
Pusingan Luar Biasa 1
Perdana Menteri kita, Najib yang juga Menteri Kewangan dengan murah hatinya memberi bantuan kewangan sebanyak RM 1800,0000 kepada sekolah-sekolah yang membabitkan 60 Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (RM 10 juta) di Sibu, 5 sekolah menengah persendirian Cina Sibu (RM 5 juta), Sekolah Kebangsaan St Mary Sibu (RM 1 juta) dan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sacred Heart Sibu (RM2 juta), berbanding dengan pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak mempunyai modal politik yang begitu besar.
1 : 0
Pusingan Luar Biasa 2
Perdana Menteri Najib telah mengalahkan pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat sekali lagi dengan memberi bantuan kewangan sebanyak RM 3000,0000 kepada masyarakat Iban yang miskin dan menjanjikan RM 500,0000 kepada penduduk Rejang Park sekiranya BN menang.
1 : 0
Pusingan Luar Biasa 3
Kehadiran Perdana Menteri Najib telah menarik perhatian daripada lebih kurang 3000 orang manakala ceramah politik yang dianjur oleh pihak DAP berjaya mendapat perhatian daripada lebih kurang 15000 orang pada malam sebelum pilihanraya kecil.
0 : 1
Pusingan Terakhir
? : ?
Kita tunggu dan lihatlah keputusan esok.
About 10 years ago, Anwar Ibrahim, our Deputy Prime Minister, was arrested and imprisoned for charges of sodomy and corruption against him. These series of actions were claimed to be political motivated as its purpose was to eliminate the increasing support and influence of Anwar in the ruling government at that time. The ‘Reformasi’ (Reformation) movement was born as to protest the arrest of Anwar Ibrahim and later, this movement by the coalition of different parties formed the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) or the People’s Justice Party.
The PKR was then led by Anwar’s wife, Wan Azizah, a tough and independent lady who has strong faith that one day, justice will release her husband despite many obstacles and difficulties that are unpredictable. Her dream was finally fulfilled as we could see her happiness when Anwar won in the Permatang Pauh by-election and he was appointed to be the opposition leader of the Pakatan Rakyat (People’s Alliance), a coalition of PKR, DAP and PAS.
Today, Anwar was alleged for the sodomy trial again. This 63 year-old opposition leader was accused of sodomising his ex-political aide, a 24 year-old young man named Saiful. Despite many critiques controversial issues about this case, either nationally or internationally, the powerful prosecutors are still able to handle the professional defense counsels led by prominent criminal lawyer Karpal Singh, who is also the Chairman of the DAP. Although the defense team had tried their best to appeal and apply for the rightful evidence, they are still unable to obtain any point of advantages from the fair judge.
Looking at the current situation, many people worry that the history will repeat itself, even though they ask the same question among themselves,
'How does an old man sodomise a young man?’
That is the voice of the people.
Our respective police force, Polis Di-Raja Malaysia (PDRM) or the Royal Malaysian Police Force is getting restless, not because of the increasing crime rates in our society, but it is due to self-disciplinary problem. From the incident of the 14 years old boy, Aminulrasyid Amzah, who was shot dead by a police corporal while escaping from the police, we can actually learn a few lessons,
1.) Do not drive without a license
2.) Do not try to run away from the police if you have offended any law.
3.) Do not do anything silly or unusual when you see the police.
The reason is simple because one may be shot by the police for any of the above reasons. However, we cannot really blame the police for all these. We should understand that the crime rate in Malaysia is still high, even though our IGP (Inspector General of Police) Musa Hassan had proudly announced that the KPI of our police force is reaching 113%, which is beyond the excellent level.
However, if you are still worry about your safety, you can surrender yourself whenever you meet the police on the road by following the instruction as below,
1.) Get off your car immediately
2.) Squat down quickly
3.) Put your hands on your head
We believe the above steps can secure your life.
That is the voice of the people.
Friday, May 7, 2010
“Mereka memperlekehkan KPI dan polisi BN. Memperlekehkan 1 Malaysia. Mencabar PM agar rombak besar-besaran BTN.(Biro Tata Negara). Mempertikaikan (disagree) tindakan Dato Nasir Safar sedangkan Dato Nasir telah berani meletakkan jawatan. Kor Ming dengan bangganya membangkitkan isu pemberian tanah kepada orang ramai di Perak. Wee Ka Siong gagal pertahankan isu MCA apa lagi nak pertahankan polisi UMNo dan BN. Ketua Pemuda MCA set markah 75 kepada PM dalam usaha KPI. Ada usul telus FDI dengan kurangkan kos operasi. Ada usul penilaian KPI oelh rakyat ketua jabatan sahaja.Yang sangat bahaya, dia orang minta kebebasan bersuara bermulan dengan sesi debat tadi. Makna tiada siasatan perlu dibuat, cara mereka bercakap dan membiarkan penonton bertanya soalan seolah-olah kerajaan kita ini terlalu teruk. Apa lagi cina-cina nie nak, mereka lagi kaya dari Melayu. Saya cadang kita perang jer dengan cina-cina nie…Melaru kepada semua ahli-ahli parlimen Melayu/ UMNo/MT dan semua pemimpin UMNO, wake up…mereka semakin biadap.”
最后又大马第一夫人,素有“珠光宝气”之称的罗斯玛从NTV 7下手,导致人如其名的节目制作人黄忠义饮恨沙场,毅然辞去一切职务。
Beng Hock’s case seems unlikely to be solved as we all expected earlier. Many will think that if Beng Hock did not serve as a political aide, his case would have been solved long time ago or perhaps, he may still be with us today. If this young media worker did not involve in politics after the 12th General Elections, the tragedy might not happen to him and his family.
If this case only involves the death of a citizen, and not a politician, the pathologists may have done their duties without any further issues. Even if the victim is a politician, but he did not die at the office of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), there is no need of appointing different forensics specialists from the two parties.
If the case does not involve the interest of both government and opposition,
1. Thai Pathologist Pornthip would not be threatened and refused to come to Malaysia, and she would not be called as a liar.
2. British Pathologist Peter Vanezis would not be questioned of his professionalism for defending the MACC, and he would not be threatened as well.
As for us, if forensic becomes politics, the truth will not be unveiled easily.
That is the voice of the people.
Recently, many BN leaders are credited for their contributions to the country and they were awarded accordingly by our Malaysian government.
MIC Deputy President G. Palanivel
1. He had shown his great effort in preserving the environment of Hulu Selangor while serving as the Member of Parliament in the past, so that there would be no further development of local facilities that may cause pollution to the entire area. He is believed to have spent all the donations from the government in making Hulu Selangor a total green and environmentally friendly place. Due to this reason, Hulu Selangor can still remain green, unpolluted and even undeveloped until today.
2. He manifested his great humility by not contesting in the Hulu Selangor by-election, giving the opportunity to MIC head of publicity, P. Kamalanathan, the so-called ‘1 Malaysia’ Malaysian.
UMNO Ezam Mohd Nor (Ex-PKR Youth Chief)
1. He acknowledged his fault for quitting UMNO to support Anwar Ibrahim in the PKR. He had also proven his courage to repent for his mistake and had returned to the party.
2. He is always willing to help UMNO to handle Anwar Ibrahim with his past experience while serving as Anwar’s political secretary.
Hee Yit Foong (Ex-DAP ADUN and Deputy Speaker in Perak)
1. She resigned from the DAP and aligned with the BN, causing the Perak constitutional crisis in the Pakatan Rakyat and helped the Barisan Nasional to regain its administrative power in Perak.
2. She attacked a handicapped state member of the Pakatan Rakyat with a ‘pen drive’- pepper spray while having war with the members of the Pakatan in the State Assembly on the 7th of May, 2009.
Mohd Osman Jailu and Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Ex-Exco Members of Perak)1. They resigned from the PKR and aligned with the BN, causing the Perak constitutional crisis in the Pakatan Rakyat and helped the Barisan Nasional to regain the administrative power in Perak.
Palanivel and Ezam
They are appointed as Senators, which share the same salary, welfare and bonus with the Members of Parliament
Hee Yit Foong
She received ‘Datukship’, a title which some people claim that can be ‘purchased’ with lots of money.
Osman and Jamaluddin
They are found ‘no guilty’ in the corruption cases which they were suspected to be involved.
That is the voice of the people.
Monday, April 26, 2010
副总编辑的话 -“从前、现在、未來”
Sebelum pilihanraya kecil diadakan, kita percaya bahawa tidak ramai orang yang betul-betul mengetahui tempat ini , kecuali sabagai sebuah daerah di negeri Selangor. Sejak kebelakangan ini, kita selalu dapat menonton rancangan televisyen yang mengenai tempat ini, disebabkan oleh pertarungan hebat antara parti-parti politik. Dari rancangan-rancangan tersebut, kita boleh mendapati bahawa sebenarnya penduduk-penduduk tempatan di sini amatlah kasihan.
Walaupun negara kita Malaysia sudah mencapai kemerdekaan selama 52 tahun, tapi kita boleh rasa tempat ini masih tidak berubah seperti dahulu. Suausana di sini masih begitu aman, pemandangan masih begitu indah, dan yang paling menarik perhatian orang ramai adalah pembangunan di kawasan Hulu Selangor, masih begitu cepat sehingga terhenti bertahun-tahun.
Dalam perkara ini, pihak mana yang patut bertanggungjawab ? Bukankan setiap tahun kerajaan kita yang kaya akan memperuntukkan sejumlah wang kepada wakil-wakil rakyat untuk membantu memajukan kawasan masing-masing? Mengapakah perkara yang membanggakan rakyat Malaysia ini boleh berlaku ?
Kawasan tempat terlalu besar ? Bilangan penduduk terlalu ramai ? Jumlah wang terlalu sedikit ? ‘Feng Shui’ tak baik ?
Saya rasa jawapan ini terlalu sukar untuk dijawab.Tapi, apa yang mengharukan saya adalah gambar-gambar yang menunjukkan keadaan penduduk di kawasan FELDA semasa menerima wang bantuan daripada kerajaan BN yang berbelas kasihan, kegembiraan yang ditunjukkan oleh pihak sekolah Cina ketika mereka dengar hadiah sebanyak RM 3000000 yang kononnya wang rasuah sekiranya BN menang dalam pilihanraya kecil tersebut. Keriangan mereka seolah-olah memberitahu kita semua bahawa mereka tidak pernah mendapat kebajikan daripada kerajaan yang begitu baik dalam seumur hidup, kecuali dalam pilihanraya kecil pada kali ini.
Keputusan pilihanraya kecil Hulu Selangor sudah menjadi kenyataan, iaitu P.Kamalanathan berjaya mandapat 24997 undi dan Ziad Ibrahim mendapat 23272 undi. Akhirnya Kerajaan BN telah berjaya menawan hati masyarakat di Hulu Langat dengan hanya membelanjakan RM 167000000 untuk memperoleh 1725 undi kemenangan. Tetapi apa yang saya tidak akan lupakan adalah kehidupan masyarakat di Hulu Langat yang masih begitu telus dan tradisional, tidak tercemar oleh gejala-gejala politik yang kotor dan menakutkan.
Saya berharap penduduk-penduduk di Hulu Selangor tidak akan diabaikan oleh kerajaan lagi dan sekiranya saya berpeluang, saya pasti akan melawat ke tempat yang menarik ini.
Inilah suara rakyat.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How many lawyers have the habit of drinking (alcohol)? 7 out of 10?
Reason: To entertain the clients with big cases?
How many newspapers editors have the habit of smoking? 8 out of 10?
Reason: To gain inspiration while writing articles?
How many tycoons have the habits of drinking and smoking? 9 out of 10?
Reason: To socialize with individuals of high-profile?
In these few days, the Pakatan Rakyat candidate for Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat, Zaid Ibrahim was slammed to have sinned for taking alcohol. This issue was brought out again and again by the Barisan Nasional, especially the powerful UMNO. The main reason is that in the Islamic law, a Muslim is forbidden to consume alcohol and due to this reason, Zaid faces all kinds of personal attacks, in terms of his belief and his morality.
From an article which I have read in newspapers recently, I understand that
1. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister of United Kingdom during the World War ll, was a good drinker. He always had Whisky in the day and Brandy at night. However, he was greatly respected for his contribution in leading the country to achieve victory in the war.
2. Adolf Hitler, the notorious Chancellor of Germany who led his Nazi Party in the World War ll, was not a drinker. Nonetheless, he was known as a war criminal to the world.
Zaid Ibrahim is a prominent lawyer who gained his reputation for upholding his political view, which is democracy for everyone. Even when he was with the UMNO while serving as a Minister, he had the courage to voice out his dissatisfaction for the arrest of blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, DAP MP Teresa Kok and journalist Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act (ISA) with the aim of ‘protecting’ them. He even resigned for the sake of defending his principles on human rights and democracy.
Is this not the leader whom the people are looking for? If a politician is always there to defend the rights of people, who will really care if he/she takes Carlsberg, Tiger, Guinness or even Hennessy daily?
When the news about Zaid’s consumption of alcohol was being spread, his reaction was surprisingly straightforward for he chose to admit his misconduct at the first place, unlike our beloved YBs Khairy and Hishammuddin who denied straightaway as their picture of taking alcohol uncovered. From the media, most of us would have heard in the past, 4 of our Prime Ministers did drink before. In fact, we cannot accuse anyone without any solid evidence, even though some may seem very suspicious. However, it is not wrong for us to have our personal assumption with all the rumours we heard.
At this juncture, the most crucial thing that concerns the voters is not the issue of whether a politician has taken alcohol or not because for the people, this has nothing to do with future of the country. Nevertheless, this incident has successfully brought out an important criterion which everyone wants to see, that is integrity in politician. By admitting own mistake, Zaid Ibrahim had proven his integrity and great courage to the people in Hulu Selangor. He even gained the forgiveness of many Muslims for his willingness to repent and acknowledgment of his wrongdoing. In contrast to that, some of the patriotic bloggers, full of wisdom, chose to manifest their integrity by showing pictures modified with Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to convince the people in Hulu Selangor.
Alcohol is tempting, so is corruption. Personally, if I were to make a choice between taking alcohol and working together with corrupted people with no integrity and principles, I would rather be indulged in drunkenness.
That is the voice of the people.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Nama Pertandingan : Pilihanraya Kecil
Tempat : Hulu Selangor, Selangor
Tarikh: 17 – 25 h/b April 2010
Nama peserta-peserta:
1.P. Kamalanathan (BN – MIC)
2.Zaid Ibrahim (PR – PKR)
Kedua-dua wakil ini adalah calon utama kerana mereka mendapat sokongan pihak masing-masing.
(BN- UMNO, MCA, MIC dan GERAKAN manakala PR – PKR, DAP dan PAS)
3.Johan Mohd Diah (BN – UMNO)
4.V.S. Chandran (BN – MIC)
Kedua-dua wakil ini adalah calon sampingan kerana mereka telah dipecat dan terpaksa menarik diri.Jadi, mereka dikira manyerah kalah.
Barisan Nasional berlawan dengan Pakatan Rakyat
Pusingan Pertama
BN mendapat sambutan daripada beribu-ribuan penyokong, berbanding dengan PR yang hanya mempunyai kira-kira 400 penyokong pada hari penamaan calon.
1 : 0
Pusingan Kedua
UMNO dan MIC bertengkar dalam proses pemilihan calon dan akhirnya mencalonkan P. Kamalanathan yang tidak berpengalaman, berbanding dengan Pakatan Rakyat yang mencalonkan Zaid Ibrahim yang popular dan berpengalaman dengan sebulat suara.
0 : 1
Pusingan Luar Biasa 1
Pemimpin BN (MIC - Presiden Samy Vellu dan Speaker DUN Perak Ganesan, Panchamoorthy dan Naib presiden UMNO Shafie Apdal) tercedera berbanding dengan beberapa ahli PR biasa yang mengatakan mereka mengalami kecederaan.
0 : 1
Pusingan Luar Biasa 2
Nama Peserta BN, Kamalanathan = Kamal(Melayu) + Alan(Cina) + Nathan(India) = 1 Malaysia, berbanding dengan nama peserta PR, Zaid Ibrahim
1 : 0
Pusingan Terakhir
? : ?
Kita tunggu dan lihatlah keputusan nanti.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thai famous pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand claimed that she is unable to come to Malaysia to attend Beng Hock's inquest. The reason behind is because she was pressured by the Malaysian government which does not want her to be involved in this mysterious and unsolved case. Apart from that, she was also advised by the Thai government and superior that she should not get herself into this mess.
However, her statement was claimed as a lie by our respective Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dato' Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz. He believed that Pornthip is trying to find excuse to be absent for Beng Hock's inquest due to the mistake she did in her previous report, which says that Beng Hock was murdered. With great courage and confidence, he even challenged Pornthip to point out the culprit who tried to stop her from coming to Malaysia to carry out her duty as a witness in Teoh's case.
Who is telling the truth? Who is lying? I believe we can judge on our own.
That is the voice of the people.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Soon, two more by-elections (Hulu Selangor and Sibu) will be held in our country. Many people have already fed up with the by-elections which they think is just a waste of time and money, and of course, the 'time and money' that we are discussing is neither for funeral nor burial of the dead, but it is about the 'time and money' that the government would have to spend to hold by-elections. To the politicians, by-election has great significance for it is a test which enables them to get the chance to gain the people's supports and confidence. To us, we only hope that all the political parties will look into this matter seriously.
1. Examine the health condition of every single candidate before the elections so that all the elected representatives can serve the people effectively.
2. Recruit more young and capable politicians so that they can contest in any immediate election when necessary.
That is the voice of the people.
Apakah ertinya RM100 ? Berapakah nilai RM100 ?
RM100 boleh dinilai dengan kiraan seperti di bawah:
100 = 1 x 100.00
100 = 2 x 50.00
100 = 10 x 10.00
100 = 20 x 5.00
100 = 100 x 1.00
100 = 200 x 0.50
100 = 500 x 0.20
100 = 1000 x 0.10
100 = 2000 x 0.05
100 = 10000 x 0.01
Sebenarnya, program yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang memberi RM100 setiap tahun kepada warga emas/warga tua yang telah berumur 60 dan lebih mempunyai ertinya. Selama ini, kita tidak pernah lihat kerajaan pusat dan kerajaan negeri memberi bantuan secara sah dan terbuka kepada warga tua yang selalunya diabaikan. Walaupun kadang-kala kita dengar bahawa kerajaan telah memperuntukkan wang kebajikan berjuta-juta ringgit dalam bantuan dan penjagaan warga tua di negara. Tapi, saya lebih percaya penglihatan daripada pendengaran.
Walaupun RM100 setahun nampaknya tidaklah bermakna sangat jika digunakan dalam kehidupan setahun, tapi erti di sebaliknya adalah penting. Semasa Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng menyerahkan RM100 kepada seorang warga tua India, dia berasa amat terharu sehingga menangis dan mencium muka beliau. Hal in disebabkan dia tidak pernah mendapat wang tunai sebegini daripada pihak kerajaan dan ini adalah kali pertama baginya. Mesej yang dibawa oleh pemberian RM100 adalah jelas kerana ini menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan dapat memberi bantuan kewangan kepada warga emas sekiranya kerajaan dapat menjimatkan perbelanjaan yang tidak bermanfaat dan membanteras rasuah yang menjejaskan ekonomi negara.
Akan tetapi, erti RM100 adalah berlainan bagi Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, yang menyifatkan pemberian RM100 setahun kepada warga emas di Pulau Pinang sebagai suatu yang memalukan. YB yang mulia ini juga mengucapkan takziah kepada warga emas di Pulau Pinang kerana bagi beliau, nilai warga emas kepada kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang hanya kurang daripada RM10 sebulan.
Jelaslah dari sini, nilai RM100 mambawa erti yang berlainan bagi setiap orang:
Bagi warga tua Pulau Pinang, RM100 adalah tanda penjagaan dan kasih sayang daripada kerajaan.
Bagi Lim Guan Eng, RM100 adalah tanda penghargaan dan kepastian untuk memanfaatkan warga tua.
Bagi Shahrizat yang kaya and penuh dengan kasih sayang, RM100 mungkin adalah tanda takziah yang diberikan kepada warga tua miskin yang bakal menemui ajal untuk membuat persiapan dalam pengurusan hal pengebumian.
Bagi saya, RM100 telah menggambarkan keperluan kerajaan untuk menilai semula keputusan untuk membantu mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan tanpa pembaziran yang bukan-bukan.
Tahukan anda kerajaan kita memperuntukkan RM50,000,000.00 setahun kepada 650,000 pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina?
Setiap WARGA EMAS PULAU PINANG mendapat RM100/tahun.
Setiap PELAJAR SRJK(C) MALAYSIA mendapat kurang daripada RM80/tahun.
Akhir sekali, marilah kita bersama-sama mengucapkan takziah kepada Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil kerana setelah pemimpin berkaliber ini kalah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum yang lepas, beliau dapat menjadi Menteri hanya dengan satu cara, iaitu merendahkan maruah diri untuk dilantik sebagai Senator.
Inilah suara rakyat.
Monday, April 5, 2010
In fact, many people did not understand this concept when it was first mentioned by our Prime Minister Najib, even until today. The reason is because the whole world has already learnt that there is only one country which is known as Malaysia, and yet we as Malaysians are still unaware of that. Honestly, I am more familiar with the 'Malaysian Malaysia' promoted by the DAP for quite some time. I believe others may agree with me. All this while, we always hear the importance of this concept and how it will improve the Malaysian government in every aspect.
However, many are confused with this concept due to the impressive incidents that seem to go against the concept, such as the crisis of Perak state government, Beng Hock's case and Datuk Nasir Safar's famous quote, 'Chinese(especially women) are here(Malaysia) to sell their bodies and Indians are beggars'. Besides, we can even see the rising of the so-called non-government organisation, the Pribumi Perkasa and its potential leader, Ibrahim Ali together with the capable Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin who claimed to have embraced the '1 Malaysia' concept with his 'Malay first and Malaysian second' supporting statement. Let us all hope that no one else will get confused with this great concept, especially our respective BN leaders.
That is the voice of the people.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Finally, I have made up my mind to open this blog to the public. The blog is named after the number of posts written through my hands. As I mentioned earlier in the first post entitled 'FOREWORD' , the blog was created after the Malaysian 12th General Elections in 2008. Since there were no new posts to be written last year due to time factor, many political news were not updated until this year. Currently, this blog reviews English, Chinese and Malay articles. However, this particular post is written in two languages to mark the opening of the blog, which voices out all different views of Malaysians in regards to the Malaysian politics.
After witnessing the great change in our country's political status, we are looking for a better improvement in our government. However, the effect of the tsunami has not come to an end. Many issues arise unexpectedly, not only in the Barisan National, but also in the new Pakatan Rakyat. As Malaysian, I am sad to see that our country has improved tremendously in terms of political stability, human rights, freedom of speech and crime rates. As a part of Chinese community, I am regret to see that our only Chinese-based political party in the ruling BN government, the MCA is still having internal warfare, which involves the leaders who are competing in gaining power, support and influence to achieve personal interest, instead of fighting for the future of Malaysian Chinese. As a student, I hope that with the presence of this blog, young readers will be able to understand more about the importance of politics in a country, for it does not only concern us, but it also affects our future generation. Let us have this hope that one day Malaysia will definitely be a better place for our children, and our children's children.
That is my voice.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
在我国现今的政界,政治人物的性丑闻所引发的负面影响是十分震撼人心的。因为它的力量足以让一个位高权重、从政数十年的风云人物饮恨政坛。虽然在思想开放的欧美国家,从政者的性丑闻早已不算是什么新鲜事了。然而,在大马这个思想较为保守的多元种族国家,这次老蔡性丑闻的爆发早已将大马枯燥乏味的政坛绘得有声有色。我们若以宗教的角度来看待此事,老蔡所犯的错似乎是天理不容的。圣经上记载着,夫妻乃是一体的,唯独当其中一位伴侣离世后,婚姻才算是终止。因此,若基督徒有婚外情,就是犯了十诫(Ten Commandment)的第七条,也就是奸淫。不但是基督教,其他宗教也强烈谴责和禁止这种婚姻出轨的恶行。
老蔡的突发事件对许多人而言将会为马华,甚至整个华社带来一定的影响。或许它的影响表面上看来不大,最多连续几天成为各报章头条,或是老百姓在咖啡店的热门话题,但它让一直对政治深感浓厚兴趣的我有很大的感触。记得每当我谈起政坛的是是非非时,父亲都会以他主观地告诉我,“Politics is a dirty game.”政治是肮脏的。虽然我对他这番熟悉的话屡听不鲜,自己却也百思不解。然而,在我阅读了许多我国近年来所掀起的政治风暴,像是老蔡性爱光碟事件和308政治海啸后,我似乎有了自己的一套想法。经过多番思考,我终于找了一个较合理的解释来表达自己对政治的看法。
许多人都把从政与从商的手法视为是大同小异的,当然我也不例外,因为大家都似乎认为从政和经商都有一定的诀窍。一个立志从政或从商的人若无法吸取经验,掌握好这些技巧,就算他念再多的书也是枉然的。我们都听说,不论是官场或商场都是无情的,因为大家都似乎抱着 “适者生存”的心态来竞争。赢家就可步步高升,输家将会被淘汰。可是,讽刺的是,现今的社会人士往往都异口同声的道:“奸商、奸商、无奸不成商”。由此可见,大部分的人都认为做生意就是要唯利是图,利用他人贪小便宜的心态,方可为自己带来最多的利润。当中的区别只在于一些是利人利己、一诺千金的 “正当商人”,而另一些则是损人利己、不折不扣的“奸商”。然而,既然说两者都是以“利用”的手段来经商,那从商岂不是一定离不开“奸”的说法吗?换言之,“无奸不成商”的说词岂不合理吗?我相信许多人肯定无法苟同于这种偏激的看法,因它对大部分自命清高的从政者和商人不但构成严重的诬蔑和人身攻击,而且还是不可理喻的。
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
我相信大家从电视机节目上都有看到NTV 7最新的时事论坛节目《非谈不可》Editor's Time。它打着“是非说清楚,黑白论到底”的标语,公开讨论国阵与民联所实行的KPI政策,邀请时事政坛风云人物如教育部副部长兼马青总团长拿督魏家祥博士,太平区国会议员兼民主行动党副总财政倪可敏律师,著名时事评论员唐南发和隆雪华堂执行长陈亚才,并由当红主播李晓慧主持,成功于2月8日在隆雪华堂吸引了上千人的观赏。另一个引人关注的是魏家祥与倪可敏于2005的马华和行动党辩论时交过手,两人更是曾得过大马杰出青年奖的从政者。因此,两人在此论坛上相遇,可说是“冤家路窄”。虽然我很遗憾地错过亲身到现场给予支持,但很高兴没有错过3月18日的延播。
老实说,我喜欢看这节目,并非是现场嘉宾们所提出的种种政策,而是当中所获得的乐趣,就好比魏博士无法应对难题时灿烂的笑容,倪律师幽默的讽刺以及两位评论员所引用的例子和比喻,真叫人啼笑皆非。更重要的是,我们所学到的是,强词夺理是自取其辱,实际行动乃上上之策;包装宣传只属表面,成效结果才是内涵。言尽于此,希望“非谈不可”不会因政府的赏识而成为NTV 7“非禁不可”的节目。
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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